Who We Are?

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower Lions clubs, volunteers, and partners to improve health and well-being, strengthen communities, and support those in need through humanitarian services and grants that impact lives globally, and encourage peace and international understanding.


Dumont Lions Charities, Inc. would like to invite you to attend one of our meetings so you can see firsthand what our organization is about, meet some members, and see if this is the type of organization you would like to join.

The Dumont Lions Club is a small group of people who are part of a worldwide organization that help blind and visually impaired people. Our group may be small, but we do fund raising throughout the year.  It helps us to support the Dumont Library by donating funds to purchase books in large print and provide two scholarships a year to Dumont High School.  We also supply the local elementary schools with testing equipment for eye exams.

If needed, we arrange for eye glasses for those who otherwise may not be able to afford them. Also, locally, we donate to Dumont Social Services as needed. 

We also donate to Camp Marcella which is a camp for both children and adults with sight problems, and St. Joseph’s School for the Blind.

We also have an ongoing collection location for eye glasses that are no longer needed located on Washington Ave, just north of Madison Ave.   We collect them and donate to a Statewide Lions program that sorts, repairs and sends them worldwide for those in need.

We would like to have people like you join in and help us spread the word to others and continue to do what Lions Clubs do.


Michael Affrunti                     President- Dumont Lions Charities

George Belhumer                             Vice President  Membership                                                                    Recruitment Chairperson



Our Core Objectives